Hey Girl, Hey!!
How is it already January 14th? New Years Day feels like it was yesterday! However, with all the events that happened this past week, it actually felt like a century long so I guess it makes sense. I will spare you the crazy details but if you follow me on Instagram, I talked about it a couple days ago. Lets just say, I am SO glad to be here! 🙂
My first blog post of 2021 is a little bit different than my usual fashion post… I am sharing all about my daily vitamins and supplements and my favorite collagen. This is a very important topic for me this year as I turned 35 last month. I have been using/taking most of these over the 6 months and have noticed several benefits and changes. I really want to take care of myself this year! I am not getting any younger so I have been doing all my research for products that work for me. I truly believe they can work for any and all ages!

Hoodie Pullover // Leggings // Water Bottle

Now that I look at this photo after the fact… that looks like a lot of supplements haha 🙂
BUT, I am so happy with how I feel everyday! #worthit …. It really isn’t much compared to what my husband takes every morning! That’s definitely next level! (Shhhhhhh… hehe) I think it is super important to know your body the older you get since we loose health benefits we can really only get back from vitamins and supplements. Overall, I have really been pretty healthy and active my entire life but the older I get, the less energetic I am! Everything I have been taking has improved my overall health and I feel amazing! Now, I am no expert or nutritionist but I do know my own body and what it thrives on.

GNC Energy + Metabolism Ultra Vitamin

Kicking it off with my ride or die Ultra Vitamin I have been taking since college. I really thrive off a multi-vitamin and I can 100% tell when I don’t take one, I lack a lot of energy and motivation. GNC Women’s Ultra Mega Energy + Metabolism multivitamin has always given me a boost of energy first thing in the mornings. It also really helps with metabolism and cravings. The days I forget to take it or my schedule is a little off, I notice it by the end of the day that I want sugar, sweets and really any kind of unhealthy food. I highly recommend this for anyone not just as an energy booster but your daily multivitamin.
Modere Collagen + Lean Body System

As I was typing this, I kept thinking “Ok, how do I get these girls to understand the importance of incorporating collagen into their everyday routine? Do I copy and paste this scientific stuff? Do I try to summarize some of the official verbiage used on their website?
Brittany…. Don’t overthink this!
Super quick back story: One of my really good friends sent me the Modere Life Biocell Liquid Collagen in the Chocolate flavor to try. I used it for a month or two but personally did not like how it made me feel. I felt sluggish and quite honestly hated the flavor. I did notice new hair growth and my skin was really clear. So… I did see benefits from it and reached out to her asking if I could try a different flavor. She suggested actually switching to the Trim rather than the Life liquid collagen and just the Lean Body System. This system accelerates fat reduction, improves muscle tone and promotes lean body composition. It includes the Trim Liquid Collagen, Burn Capsules (boosts metabolism and burns energy) , Activate (powder supplement that helps detox the body) …. Which is all delivered to your door monthly! SOLD!!
I have been using this system for 3-4 months now and really LOVE it! My overall body has seen great results and I feel amazing! Dropping quarantine weight is pretty tough but I had to start somewhere! I highly recommend the full Lean Body System if you really want the best results but at the very least I’d grab the Burn and the Trim if you want weight loss.
My $10 off code should be embedded into these links so you won’t have to manually type it in but if for some reason you need to, my code is 1816187.

Speaking of gut health and overall mood, my go-to supplement for this is the Plexus VitalBiome. I have been taking it over a year now and it has really helped with my anxiety and stress. 2020 was a crazy year so I needed something to improve my mood and anxiety. I didnt want to see a doctor or be prescribed to any medication, I wanted to try something more natural.
Insert another girlfriend to save the day! 🙂
I went full time blogging starting in January of 2020 so my stress level was already pretty high. I have had GI issues my entire life and was sick of feeling bloated all the time. She introduced me to Plexus and recommended taking the VitalBiome. It is a probiotic to help improve your mood, reduce feelings of stress and tension, reduce occasional GI discomfort, and rebalance the gut. My anxiety has improved tremendously and I don’t have any GI issues. If you have questions regarding any other products from Plexus, you can ask my girlfriend Kristi over on her Instagram @healthy_happy_mommy_
Charcoal Pills

Activated charcoal is the hottest natural supplement on the market thanks to its powerful cleanse and detox properties which can trap and remove toxins from your body. My dad actually started using these a couple months ago and said he feels so much better after taking them. They technically are a detox supplement but more than anything they really help with digestion and bloating issues at least for me. I always have irregularity issues and have my whole life but these are gamechangers. I do not recommend taking with at the same time you do other supplements as they can interfere with them. I have a reminder on my phone to take these around 11am everyday right before lunch.

As I get older, I have been trying to take more vitamins and supplements. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what your body really needs to be healthy. I love anything delivered directly to my door so when I heard about CareOf , I had to look into it.
CareOf is a vitamin delivery service that sends customers personalized packs of vitamins and supplements, based on their answers to a few easy questions about your goals, lifestyle, and values. Their aim is to simplify the process of getting your daily nutritional needs and make it more affordable than the local grocery store (monthly subscriptions start at $20 and go up depending on your particular blend). Because everyone’s vitamin mix is slightly different, I can’t say what vitamins are and are not in your Care/of subscription. You will take a “get to know me” quiz and answer questions about your goals. From there, they customize your monthly subscription packs and ship directly to your door. I take Vitamin C and D, Iron and Calcium Vitamins and really love them. Use code VITAMIN50 to get 50% off your first order.

Hoodie Pullover // Leggings // Water Bottle

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